Who Am I?

Dr. Cox: You want some advice? No matter where you go in life, always keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer’s patient.
Johnny: Who am I !?!?!

So, who am I, you ask?  I’m just an average girl with a small obsession with TV.  One of my friends and I agreed that there is very little in our lives, family excepted, that matter as much to us as TV.  But really, my obsession is not going to make you trust my opinions.  There are plenty of obsessives who are downright wrong about things.

So, who am I?  I’m a mid-twenties girl who studied film in college and who has worked in the film industry on and off for the past five years.  There, you see, I know what I’m talking about.  I’m also a woman with a lot of free time to one, watch TV, and two, read articles from its makers and from other critics.  In essence, I do my research before I blather on about things on the internet.  Hopefully that makes me trustworthy enough for you, dear reader, to put some credence into what I say.

To get a sense of my tastes, here are my favorite shows, all time and right now.

Top Five All-Time Television Series:
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. The Wire
3. Scrubs
4. Friday Night Lights
5. (tie) Friends/ M*A*S*H

Top Five Television Series on Right Now:
1. Community
2. Parks and Recreation
3. Mad Men
4. The Good Wife
5. Breaking Bad

** Honorable mention to: Louie, Cougar Town, Justified, Fringe and Skins (UK) **

What else, what else? I work in a bookstore, so I’m fairly well read.  I’m annoyingly crafty, so I have a small business where I sell crocheted dolls (cool ones, not creepy ones.  Check them out here.)  And I’m always looking for ways to improve this blog, so please don’t be shy about commenting. Just keep your comments kosher and helpful.


3 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. Pingback: March 4 – 10: Week in Review | Mary the TV Maven

  2. Hey Mary-

    Just wanted to touch base to say a quick thanks for sharing Matthew Perryman Jones’ song on your blog! I’m on team MPJ, so if you want to hear his new album “Land of the Living” (comes out at the end of the month), just send me an email. I’d be happy to send it along.

    Thanks again!

    (Oh and kudos on posting the Hanson video. I’m a big fan. May not be cool but I don’t care. 🙂 Actually, I came to your blog because it had MPJ on it – but after looking around, I really like all of it! Subscribing complete. Friends & FNL are my favorites.)

    • Thanks so much for your comment. I’m really happy you like my blog. And I have to say, Matthew Perryman Jones has definitely gone into rotation on my iPod. I’m glad I was able to discover him through TV.

      I hope you keep reading, and I promise, I’ll try to post fun things like the Hanson video.


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