March 11-17: TV Week in Review

Troy: There are a lot of layers to this.
Abed: It’s almost too conceptual to follow, but I love it.

This week marks the return of Community, a veritable Scrubs reunion over on Cougar Town and a lot of shows that were good but not great.  I’m only going to go in depth into two shows – two “amahzing” shows, that is, arguably some of the best of the year – and then the rest will just be likes and dislikes, which is probably easier on you anyways.

But first, a little complaint about the shows I watch in general.  What was with all the bad green screen this week?  I’ve come to expect it on Private Practice where everything on the beach is fake looking (What? ABC can’t afford to film at a Malibu beach house?) but 30 Rock and The Office also had heinous offenses.  Either the shows are getting lazy and thinking they can fool us without us noticing or this is a disturbing new trend. (I also realize that a majority of people watch their HDTV with the wrong aspect ratio, not realizing it’s wrong, so maybe most people didn’t notice these problems.  But I’m not most people)

Oh, and one more thing before we get started. As with last week, I’m trying new formats, just to keep you on your toes. This time, it was suggested that I link to specific shows, so that you can just jump to that section you want without having to read about shows you don’t watch.  Now, I think that’s kind of effing lazy (ahem, friend, you know who you are), but I’ll test it out, see how it works – though, it is pretty cumbersome for me.  We’ll see how long it lasts.

You’ll find the links after the jump.

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March 4 – 10: TV Week in Review

“Your name isn’t that great either” – Cougar Town

Well, it’s week number three over here at Mary the TV Maven, and I finally think I’m getting the hang of things.  Or at least, I’m getting more verbose because this blog post got a little long on me – consider yourself forewarned.  The result of this thoroughness (I’m not going to call it wordiness) is that I’m trying something new.  I’ve added pagination to the post, so be on the look out for the link to the next page.  There are four pages total.  Hopefully, you like them.

And, now, to the reviews:

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February 26 – March 3: TV Week in Review

“Issue number one is the first issue that we are going to talk about”

Parks and Recreation:
The past few episodes of Parks and Rec have been good, but not stellar. (See: “Bowling for Votes” “Operation Ann” or “Sweet Sixteen”) The problem is that I think I’ve come to expect perhaps too much from the show, which often means that I’m slightly disappointed.  But then an episode like “Campaign Shake-Up” comes along, and I realize that my high expectations are not unfounded.  The show and its writers honestly have the ability to produce awesome television.  Besides some nit-picky things that I will get to later, this episode was a nearly perfect half hour.

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February 19 – 25: TV Week in Review

The main question I’ve been asking myself since starting my blog a whole whopping day ago is how to arrange things.  Should there be some sort of order to the posts, like should all the posts follow the same sort of rules, or should each week have its own flavor based on my mood?  I’m leaning towards the latter, but in case I change my mind, please forgive me for trying to make things more organized than they need to be.  Also, should I cover every single show I watch each week or just focus on a few that stand out?  Again, I think the latter wins, so this week, I’m only going to write about the stand-outs and then give a few of my thoughts on the other shows.  With that said, let’s get started.

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