Best Music of the Television Year

I know that I’ve been a little lazy in terms of reviews, but I’m holding on to the fact that I’m still up to date on music posts. Ignoring the fact that music posts take a lot less brain power than reviews, I’m still happy that I have one thing to claim.

So, with that said, I’ve been thinking back on the year, and there have been some really excellent music choices on television. My iPod, in fact, is populated mostly with these songs. Which songs, you ask?  Well, how about a top ten list?

These songs are the best choices of the year. Either they perfectly captured the mood of the show they were on or they were just really amazing songs. In the best cases, they accomplished both. I hope you enjoy these tunes as much as I did (and still do).

Now, without further ado:

The Best Songs of the TV Year

10. The Beatles “Tomorrow Never Knows” – Mad MenIf you need a song to capture the mood of the changing times of the sixties, use The Beatles. If you really want to annoy Don Draper, use a song that’s heavy on the psychedelia, like “Tomorrow Never Knows.” Nicely done, Matthew Weiner

9. Daughter “Youth” – Grey’s Anatomy – There were a lot of choices from Grey’s Anatomy. It was hard to choose just one. So, why this song? For one, I think it holds up on its own, whereas some songs on Grey’s are only good when they are playing underneath the show. For two, it’s just heartbreaking enough for me to love it. And the drum beats set everything off so well. It’s like Florence + The Machine before she became famous and overly orchestral.

8. Kurt Vile “Baby’s Arms” – RevengeWhat I love about this song is the mood of it. It’s a upbeat rhythm but an a slightly minor key which makes it sound at once ethereal and melancholic and somehow heartwarming. I don’t know; it just gets to me. I’ve been listening to it since November, and I have yet to tire of it.

7. Generationals “Ten-Twenty-Ten” – SuburgatoryIn the past month since this song was on Suburgatory, I’ve become a little obsessed with it (and with Generationals in general). Just try to listen to this without tapping your foot, bobbing your head and smiling. I dare you. As for me, I’ve been bouncing around my apartment, dancing to this in my pajamas. It’s that good.


6. Crooked Fingers “Heavy Hours” – How I Met Your Mother – HIMYM made some really excellent music choices this year. Music always been one of their strengths, ever since “This Modern Love” by Bloc Party all the way back in season one. What’s so great about this song is the scene over which it played. Robin has just chosen not to leave her boyfriend for Barney, and Barney, who had put rose petals all over Robin’s bed, has to clean up the room and himself. The song enhances the scene so well that it makes me a little teary thinking about it.

5. Beach House – “Take Care” – New Girl – The episode this song played on, “Injured,” was the episode that made me actually like this show. And I think this song had something to do with it. In the ep, it finally felt like all the characters came together and formed their own little family, and this song, which literally is about taking care of people you love, epitomized that idea. It was the icing on the cake of what I think is still New Girl‘s best episode. 

4. Other Lives “Dust Bowl III” – The Good Wife – This song is another case of the music perfectly capturing the essence of the scene under which it played. For this song, it plays when Alicia goes back to her old house and remembers the past she had there.  The rich, dusty, almost ominous tone of the tune is really amazing, and it immediately takes you in. I absolutely love it.

3. Robyn – “Dancing On My Own” – Girls – If you don’t dance listening to this in the same way that Hannah and Marnie to at the end of the episode “All Adventurous Women Do” then you should stop reading my blog. We can’t be friends. I’m sorry. Goodbye.

2. Avalanche City – “The Streets” – Cougar Town – This is one of my new favorite songs. The first week after this aired, I listened to it about 12 times. I just makes me happy down to my very core. If that’s not a vote of confidence for this song, I’m not sure what is.

1. The Gabe Dixon Band – “All Will Be Well” – Parks and Recreation – In my experience, there are certain songs that I will never get tired of. To name a few, “Rebellion (Lies)” from Arcade Fire, “The Dog Days Are Over” from Florence + The Machine, “Kids” from MGMT, “It Doesn’t Have to Beautiful” from Slow Club, and this song, “All Will Be Well” by The Gabe Dixon Band. It doesn’t hurt that this song played under one of the my favorite eps of Parks and Rec, “End of the World.” It’s just a perfect song. Hands down. No ifs, ands, or buts. (Insert other clichés here). By far the best of the year.

**Oh, and just for extra credit (and fun):

Michael Haggins “Daybreak” – Community – All you Community fans out there are grinning right now. And all you non-Community fans, what is wrong with you? Don’t you like amazing things? You’re the worst!

That’s it, folks. My choices for the year. What do you think? Did I miss a song that you absolutely loved? Do you agree with my choices, or do you think I have horrible taste in music? Wanna tell me what your favorite was? Why don’t you vote in this little poll that I’ve put together.

Starting off… My favorite TV song choices

First post down.  Now the second one has to be more interesting than the basics.  In the future, I will post my favorite songs used each week, but since this is the one to start us off, I’m going to dig a little deeper.  Here are the top five best songs that I think have been used so far this TV season.

  1. The Gabe Dixon Band – “All Will Be Well” – This has become one of my favorite songs. Period.  It aired on the Parks and Recreation episode “End of the World” and played over the last few minutes as April and Andy drive to the grand canyon.  It’s a beautiful song and cheers me up every time I hear it.  
  2. tUnEyArDs – “Gangsta” – This song, for me, wasn’t so memorable when it was actually on the episode, which was The Good Wife’s “Death Row Tip.”  However, I downloaded it and now it’s one of my favorites of the year. I have yet to get sick of it. 
  3. The Head and The Heart – “Rivers and Roads” – First off, I want to say that How I Met Your Mother has been killing it music-wise this season.  I had to narrow it down to just one, which meant that I had to leave out Crooked Fingers “Heavy Hours” from the episode “Tick Tick Tick” where Robin decides not to be with Barney and also Florence and the Machines “Shake It Out” from the latest episode “No Pressure.”  But this song, from “The Drunk Train” stands out for me because it’s so heartbreaking as Barney pines for love and Ted confesses his feelings for Robin. I know that feeling and it gets me every time. 
  4. Bootstraps – “Fortyfive” – From the episode “Clear Skies from Here on Out” from this season of Parenthood, this song plays when Crosby and Adam finally decide to become partners at the Luncheonette.  The makers of Parenthood really know how to use music and here it blends so perfectly into the scene.  At first Crosby is celebrating by playing the drums and slowly the music ramps up.  It’s so joyful, I can’t help but smile thinking about the scene. 
  5. The Donnies The Amys – “Boxer + Clover” – This song is truly a blink and you’ll miss it one.  Unlike my other choices, which were featured pretty prominently in the episodes, this one just plays in the background of a few scenes in the Grey’s Anatomy episode “Have You Seen Me Lately?” (Also, I apologize for using Grey’s.  It’s no longer a great show, but I love this song, so who cares. Right?)  The song was good enough for me to break out my phone and shazaam it right there.  Now it’s on heavy rotation on my iTunes.  I’m sure you’ll like it too. 
Well, that’s it for now.  I imagine that you can get a little of my musical taste from the post and hopefully you like it.  If not, oh well, you have horrible taste. (Just kidding… sort of.) Check back soon for my inaugural TV review post.
PS.  Just because, here’s a photo for your viewing pleasure.  “Life’s Too Short,” the new show from my favorite, Ricky Gervais, started this week, and though I’ve already watched it, this photo still seems appropriate.