Music, Music, Music: TV Tunes for Two Weeks (April 29-May12)

Well, because of my week off, there’s a ton of music I want to share. For some shows, I included things from two episodes, so if you’re wondering which one, check out this great resource: Tunefind.

And now, without further ado:

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MMMBop and The National – A perfect pair: It’s the music for April 15-21

This week was chock-full of music. It’s actually quite impressive. Sorry for the glut, but I thought I would include everything I liked. Take a listen, please.

Cary Brothers “Alien” – Make It Or Break It – If only this show was as good as its music. I’ve loved Cary Brothers since Garden State and this song was very nice underneath the artistic gymnastic scene for the parents.

Matthew Perryman Jones “Waiting On The Light To Change” –
Make It or Break It  – Another great song from this show. This played at the very end when Payson is talking to her father. Just a fun, listenable song that will soon go into rotation on my iPod.

Paddy Casey “Everybody Wants” – Cougar Town – Not my favorite song of the week, but still, when Cougar Town does music, I like to take note. Plus, this song turns out to be from 1998, so kudos to Bill Lawrence for going old(ish) school.

Perfume Genius “Normal Song” – Private Practice – They used Perfume Genius on Skins this season too, and I think they are great, atmospheric songs for show. Sure, they’re depressing, but I like them. Consider me a depressive, if you will.

Dum Dum Girls “Coming Down” – Revenge – Normally, Revenge is chock full of music, but this was the only song I liked this week. Let’s bring back some more Kurt Vile next week, please.

Handsome Furs “Repatriated” – Grey’s Anatomy – Not my favorite, but still quite good. Plus, it’s a change of pace from the usual stuff on Grey’s which is mostly adult acoustic-y or female singer/songwriter. So, I liked it for that, at the very least

The National “Sorrow” – Grey’s Anatomy – To be honest, this song felt a little out of place on the show with the scenes it was put against. The scenes were too quickly paced and, well, perky. But I love The National, so here’s the song. It’s awesome by itself.

The Barr Brothers “Old Mythologies” – Grey’s Anatomy – This song is awesome. Not much else to say but that. Reminds me a lot of Mumford & Sons, and they had one of my favorite albums a few years back.

Sam & Dave “Wrap It Up” – Scandal – Thought a change of pace would be good, so here’s some old school soul. Listen to it on a rainy day.

Hanson “MMMBop” – Suburgatory – Just because. Also, I had this in my head for a full twelve hours after listening to it on the show. So, you’re welcome.

Happy listening!!


Holy Snow Patrol, Batman! It’s the music of the week.

It’s been a decent week for music, but it’s honestly from odd places. Usually I wait for certain shows for my songs, but without the likes of Cougar Town and How I Met Your Mother, I have to dig a little more. How do you like Make It or Break It as a choice? Pretty random, right? The round-up for this week is still pretty good, though. And more eclectic than usual, I think, so that’s fun. Enjoy!

Freedom Fry – “Rolling Down” – Bones doesn’t use music very often, and when it does, it’s not usually that great. The people on the show seem to love overly wrought/emotional music that doesn’t stray too far from the theme music of the show. Consider me surprised then when they had a good song on their first episode back from a long break. I guess everyone has to get lucky sometimes. I thought this song was perfect to transition from the birth scene to the final denouement scene. To be honest, it was probably the best part of the episode.

Shelley O’Brien – “Turn to Spring” – There’s no way I’m going to recommend Make It or Break It to anyone. The show is kind of horrifyingly bad, but being a teen show, it does have some pretty good music. This week, this boppy song was a great choice for the scene where Payson hits it off with the new love interest, BMX boy. (I’m sure he has a name, but I don’t really care enough to learn it.) The song just puts me in a good mood, and it’s nicely appropriate for right now, so enjoy.

Snow Patrol – “The Weight of Love” – Grey’s Anatomy loves Snow Patrol. They use the band more than any other, I think, probably because the success of “Chasing Cars” in season 2. Part of me feels like I should be embarrassed to like Snow Patrol, because it’s the vanilla ice cream of TV music, but oh well. I like vanilla ice cream sometimes.  I guess I’ll give up some of my indie cred; the songs are just so damn listenable. This song is no exception. It played at the end (the obligatory wrap-up montage song) and its crescendo nicely highlighted Christina throwing cereal on Owen.