Emmy Tidbits

The Emmy nominations were today, and for the most part, I’m whelmed. Because if you can be underwhelmed and overwhelmed, you should be able to be whelmed.

I’m quite happy with the comedy writing noms (Yay, “Remedial Chaos Theory,”) And I’m very pleased to see Breaking Bad rack up some recognition, especially for Gus and Jesse, but also, Parks, Louie and Community should have gotten more love. But, oh well. I need to learn to live with disappointment. I’m already trying to resign myself to the idea that Modern Family will probably win some things even though they are the worst. Hrumph.

Out of everything, though, my favorite piece of trivia that I have learned about these nominations is this:

For the first time since 2006, The Office wasn’t nominated for anything. At all.

Yup. It’s the end of an era, folks. So many shows started around the same time as The Office: Grey’s Anatomy, Lost, How I Met Your Mother, House, 30 Rock. I feel like a lot of my college and post-college years were built around these shows. And now, that chapter is closing, or has closed in some cases. It’s a little sad, but also exciting. The great thing about television is that there is always something new to obsess over just around the corner, and I for one cannot wait for for the next batch of shows that should be taking their places any month now.

Here’s looking to September to see how all this news turns out, both for the Emmys and the new freshman crop.

Happy viewing!

Favorite Music o’ the Week

This week was pretty light on good music.  Really, I’ve been getting most of my songs from the new season of Skins, but my plan is to wait until the end of this series and then post all my choices together for that show.  But back to this week.  Just two tracks really stood out to me.  I hope you enjoy them.

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