Best Music of the Television Year

I know that I’ve been a little lazy in terms of reviews, but I’m holding on to the fact that I’m still up to date on music posts. Ignoring the fact that music posts take a lot less brain power than reviews, I’m still happy that I have one thing to claim.

So, with that said, I’ve been thinking back on the year, and there have been some really excellent music choices on television. My iPod, in fact, is populated mostly with these songs. Which songs, you ask?  Well, how about a top ten list?

These songs are the best choices of the year. Either they perfectly captured the mood of the show they were on or they were just really amazing songs. In the best cases, they accomplished both. I hope you enjoy these tunes as much as I did (and still do).

Now, without further ado:

The Best Songs of the TV Year

10. The Beatles “Tomorrow Never Knows” – Mad MenIf you need a song to capture the mood of the changing times of the sixties, use The Beatles. If you really want to annoy Don Draper, use a song that’s heavy on the psychedelia, like “Tomorrow Never Knows.” Nicely done, Matthew Weiner

9. Daughter “Youth” – Grey’s Anatomy – There were a lot of choices from Grey’s Anatomy. It was hard to choose just one. So, why this song? For one, I think it holds up on its own, whereas some songs on Grey’s are only good when they are playing underneath the show. For two, it’s just heartbreaking enough for me to love it. And the drum beats set everything off so well. It’s like Florence + The Machine before she became famous and overly orchestral.

8. Kurt Vile “Baby’s Arms” – RevengeWhat I love about this song is the mood of it. It’s a upbeat rhythm but an a slightly minor key which makes it sound at once ethereal and melancholic and somehow heartwarming. I don’t know; it just gets to me. I’ve been listening to it since November, and I have yet to tire of it.

7. Generationals “Ten-Twenty-Ten” – SuburgatoryIn the past month since this song was on Suburgatory, I’ve become a little obsessed with it (and with Generationals in general). Just try to listen to this without tapping your foot, bobbing your head and smiling. I dare you. As for me, I’ve been bouncing around my apartment, dancing to this in my pajamas. It’s that good.


6. Crooked Fingers “Heavy Hours” – How I Met Your Mother – HIMYM made some really excellent music choices this year. Music always been one of their strengths, ever since “This Modern Love” by Bloc Party all the way back in season one. What’s so great about this song is the scene over which it played. Robin has just chosen not to leave her boyfriend for Barney, and Barney, who had put rose petals all over Robin’s bed, has to clean up the room and himself. The song enhances the scene so well that it makes me a little teary thinking about it.

5. Beach House – “Take Care” – New Girl – The episode this song played on, “Injured,” was the episode that made me actually like this show. And I think this song had something to do with it. In the ep, it finally felt like all the characters came together and formed their own little family, and this song, which literally is about taking care of people you love, epitomized that idea. It was the icing on the cake of what I think is still New Girl‘s best episode. 

4. Other Lives “Dust Bowl III” – The Good Wife – This song is another case of the music perfectly capturing the essence of the scene under which it played. For this song, it plays when Alicia goes back to her old house and remembers the past she had there.  The rich, dusty, almost ominous tone of the tune is really amazing, and it immediately takes you in. I absolutely love it.

3. Robyn – “Dancing On My Own” – Girls – If you don’t dance listening to this in the same way that Hannah and Marnie to at the end of the episode “All Adventurous Women Do” then you should stop reading my blog. We can’t be friends. I’m sorry. Goodbye.

2. Avalanche City – “The Streets” – Cougar Town – This is one of my new favorite songs. The first week after this aired, I listened to it about 12 times. I just makes me happy down to my very core. If that’s not a vote of confidence for this song, I’m not sure what is.

1. The Gabe Dixon Band – “All Will Be Well” – Parks and Recreation – In my experience, there are certain songs that I will never get tired of. To name a few, “Rebellion (Lies)” from Arcade Fire, “The Dog Days Are Over” from Florence + The Machine, “Kids” from MGMT, “It Doesn’t Have to Beautiful” from Slow Club, and this song, “All Will Be Well” by The Gabe Dixon Band. It doesn’t hurt that this song played under one of the my favorite eps of Parks and Rec, “End of the World.” It’s just a perfect song. Hands down. No ifs, ands, or buts. (Insert other clichés here). By far the best of the year.

**Oh, and just for extra credit (and fun):

Michael Haggins “Daybreak” – Community – All you Community fans out there are grinning right now. And all you non-Community fans, what is wrong with you? Don’t you like amazing things? You’re the worst!

That’s it, folks. My choices for the year. What do you think? Did I miss a song that you absolutely loved? Do you agree with my choices, or do you think I have horrible taste in music? Wanna tell me what your favorite was? Why don’t you vote in this little poll that I’ve put together.

Surprises and Standbys: It’s the TV Music for May 13-19

Before we go anywhere, I want to call out the best use of music of the week. It was, appropriately, on my favorite show, Community. Now, this is not a show known for its music, but the full version of the theme song that played over the end of the finale was just too perfect. I will know listen to this song on my iPod, along with my beloved full version of “Robin Sparkles

Also, I’m trying something new: If you’re so inclined, check out these songs on my Spotify playlist. Not every track is available, but the majority are there for your listening pleasure.

Now, the list of songs after the jump.

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Music, Music, Music: TV Tunes for Two Weeks (April 29-May12)

Well, because of my week off, there’s a ton of music I want to share. For some shows, I included things from two episodes, so if you’re wondering which one, check out this great resource: Tunefind.

And now, without further ado:

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Recounts and Clip Shows: It’s the May 6-12 TV Week in Review

Well, I’m back, not exactly well-rested, but better rested than before. At the very least, it was nice to have some time to do errands/laundry/catch up on shows. (I probably smell a little better now that the laundry is done, so, added bonus there.)

Now, this week, I’m thinking of taking a different approach. Really, until Thursday, there was nothing outstanding to me on TV. Yeah, there were some really good shows, Mad Men and Game of Thrones, to name two, but nothing that sparked my undying love. Then came Community and Parks and Rec and everything turned around. However, since I have already done a couple of in depth analyses of these two shows, I’m taking a break from the straight-up review. I’m still going to grade everything, but instead of doing a big breakdown of one or two shows, I’m going to do more of a “best of” tally. If that sounds weird, I promise it won’t be. Just click “Continue Reading” and play along. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

(Also, before we get started, in taking my little sabbatical last week, I missed talking about the finale of The Good Wife. I’m not sure there is too much to talk about, but I wanted to say that I did enjoy it, despite all the Kalinda stuff. I’ve said many times to my friends and family that Kalinda is not my favorite part of the show. (Shocking, I know). Everybody loves her, but I find her a little tedious in how much the writers try to make her interesting. It’s like Lisbeth Salander from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (which I also hated). We get it, you’re edgy and mysterious. Stop gilding the lily already. But otherwise, I liked the finale and I’m looking forward to next season when Michael J Fox, I can only assume, becomes a big bad.)

Now, more after the jump. Continue reading

All work and no play make Mary go something….something…

You know how The Daily Show takes a week off several times a year and misses a week of fake news. Well, that’s what I’m doing this week. Hopefully not much fake news will be missed, but I am in much need of a week off to catch up on shows that have fallen through the cracks (sorry, Revenge) and also to get some much needed sleep.

I’ll see you all next week, refreshed and raring to go for the upcoming season finales.


A Day in the Life of Mad Men: It’s the April 22-28 TV Week in Review

AHHHH! I’m horribly behind schedule! It’s Sunday morning, and I still have two shows to watch (Revenge and Awake – I’m behind on my single title shows, apparently), and I still have to do my review. So, here’s the deal. I’m going to talk about my favorite show of the week, give grades for everything I watched, and that’s about it. Cool? Cool, cool, cool.

My opinions after the jump.

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Have Gun, Will Play Music: It’s the musical wrap-up for April 22-28

Another full week, another lengthy post. It’s actually feeling rather gluttonous to have so much good music from TV shows. But, seeing that this is my main means of discovering new music, I’m exceedingly happy. Hopefully, you are too. Enjoy!!

Have Gun, Will Travel – “Blessing and a Curse” – The Good Wife – Immediately after watching this episode of The Good Wife, I spent a long time (too long) looking for this song. It was that good; I had to have it. I find myself really enjoying the indie-country genre these days. Maybe I’m just becoming a hillbilly. I’ll work on losing some teeth so I can complete the picture.

PS, sorry for the external link, but I couldn’t find this anywhere. I searched and searched and this was the best solution. Plus, spotify is kinda awesome, so you should sign up anyway.

Also, just for fun, because I only just discovered them and I like them, have another song:

Have Gun, Will Travel – “Postcards From The Friendly City” 

Generationals – “Say for Certain” – Girls – Last week, I forgot to include music from this new show. But it really does have some good tracks. It’s also a good show, as my reviews can attest. So I recommend checking it out. This track just makes me happy. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good drum beat.

White Sea – “Overdrawn” – Girls – Another nice choice from this show. If this keeps up, I may forgive Lena Dunham for Tiny Furniture. Maybe.

The Troggs – “With a Girl Like You” – Girls – …because once a week, I’m just going to include something retro.

John Gil – “Packed Our Bags” – Cougar Town – Not my favorite track of the week, but the music on Cougar Town is always good enough to mention. I think I have an intellectual crush on Bill Lawrence. And so this is me favoring him because I like him. Consider me biased.

First Aid Kit – “When I Grow Up” – Private Practice – I have been a fan of First Aid Kit ever since I heard their cover of “Tiger Mountain Song,” originally by the Fleet Foxes.

Imperial Teen – “Don’t Know How You Do It” – Revenge – I included this just because I like Imperial Teen. I assume that’s enough reason because I’m not providing more explanation.

Devendra Banhart – Walilamdzi – Revenge – I think Devendra Banhart is rather hit or miss for me. I mean, I love “Now That I Know,” but more often than not, when I listen to a new track by him, I’m put off. Color me surprised, then, that I really like this song. Kudos to Revenge for finding one I like.

Poor Moon – “Illusion” – Grey’s Anatomy – Out of eight, yes, eight songs that were used on Grey’s this week, I only really loved three. This is the first one, and it reminds me of Andrew Bird, which is always good.

The Naked and Famous – “The Sun” – Grey’s Anatomy – I’ve like all The Naked and Famous songs I’ve heard before, and this is no exception. It’s nice to hear them go a little more sombre. It fit the scene where Arizona tells the intern that her son is going to die. Oh my God, I just got the pun. “Sun” : “son”. Get it. Someone on this show has a stupid sense of humor.

Of Monsters & Men – “Lakehouse” – Grey’s Anatomy – This played over a very strange scene (Weber cheating on his wife with Debbie Allen), but I like the song, so whatever. I’ll just focus on the track and block out all images of the show.

Til next week,

Girls, Girls, Girls: It’s the April 15-21 TV Week in Review

I’m currently rewatching The Office season two right now. That may seem like an odd statement to start off my weekly review, but it has its purpose. I rewatching season two, and it reminds me just how good TV can be. The season is one of the best on television, hands down, bar none, ever. Nearly every episode is excellent, from Michael dancing in “Booze Cruise” to Jim confessing his love in “Casino Night.” It’s the quality of entertainment that I want all television to have, so when I’m doing my reviews week to week, I always hope that the show I’m watching is going to have the same level of brilliance.  More often than not, I’m disappointed, but on the rare occasions that a show does step up to the plate and knock one out of the park, it’s so fulfilling that I keep coming back for more. That’s how I watch TV. It’s a little like a crack addict chasing that perfect high, but I never said that TV wasn’t my addiction. In fact, I admit that it most definitely is. And with that insight, let’s get on with the reviews.

Reviews after the jump!

MMMBop and The National – A perfect pair: It’s the music for April 15-21

This week was chock-full of music. It’s actually quite impressive. Sorry for the glut, but I thought I would include everything I liked. Take a listen, please.

Cary Brothers “Alien” – Make It Or Break It – If only this show was as good as its music. I’ve loved Cary Brothers since Garden State and this song was very nice underneath the artistic gymnastic scene for the parents.

Matthew Perryman Jones “Waiting On The Light To Change” –
Make It or Break It  – Another great song from this show. This played at the very end when Payson is talking to her father. Just a fun, listenable song that will soon go into rotation on my iPod.

Paddy Casey “Everybody Wants” – Cougar Town – Not my favorite song of the week, but still, when Cougar Town does music, I like to take note. Plus, this song turns out to be from 1998, so kudos to Bill Lawrence for going old(ish) school.

Perfume Genius “Normal Song” – Private Practice – They used Perfume Genius on Skins this season too, and I think they are great, atmospheric songs for show. Sure, they’re depressing, but I like them. Consider me a depressive, if you will.

Dum Dum Girls “Coming Down” – Revenge – Normally, Revenge is chock full of music, but this was the only song I liked this week. Let’s bring back some more Kurt Vile next week, please.

Handsome Furs “Repatriated” – Grey’s Anatomy – Not my favorite, but still quite good. Plus, it’s a change of pace from the usual stuff on Grey’s which is mostly adult acoustic-y or female singer/songwriter. So, I liked it for that, at the very least

The National “Sorrow” – Grey’s Anatomy – To be honest, this song felt a little out of place on the show with the scenes it was put against. The scenes were too quickly paced and, well, perky. But I love The National, so here’s the song. It’s awesome by itself.

The Barr Brothers “Old Mythologies” – Grey’s Anatomy – This song is awesome. Not much else to say but that. Reminds me a lot of Mumford & Sons, and they had one of my favorite albums a few years back.

Sam & Dave “Wrap It Up” – Scandal – Thought a change of pace would be good, so here’s some old school soul. Listen to it on a rainy day.

Hanson “MMMBop” – Suburgatory – Just because. Also, I had this in my head for a full twelve hours after listening to it on the show. So, you’re welcome.

Happy listening!!


Disarming people on Justified and strangling women on Mad Men: It’s the April 8-14 TV Week in Review

“Sometimes, when I’m stressed out, I like to punch sharks” – Travis on Cougar Town

I was reading this week about David Simon and his dislike of internet TV critics. Now, David Simon is someone I respect artistically to a great degree. So his opinion made me take pause. But then I read this extremely well-presented article from Noel Murray over at The AV Club. Like him, I think my goal of this weekly review is really to talk about television, not ruin it. I want to know if other people feel the same way I do and to engage in conversation with them. I may not like certain episodes of TV, but I do watch the shows nonetheless, religiously for the most part. So, I hope I don’t harm anyone/thing by posting my feelings here.

Also, random thought before we start. Why does Dr. Spaceman keep trying to sell me hotels and smart phones? And “when is modern science going to find a cure for a woman’s mouth?” Just wondering.

Reviews after the jump!