New TV Status Update

It’s basically premiere week this week on television. Practically everything is starting, so my plate is full with trying to catch up on it all. Already, it’s Tuesday and I have three shows leftover to watch. But fear not, gentle reader, come this weekend I will have reviews of all of them.

For some shows that premiered a few weeks ago, however, we have come to an impasse. The three weeks are up and it’s time to, proverbially, “sh-t or get off the pot.”  So it is so long, Guys with Kids, we barely knew ye, we never liked ye. And hello, Go On, you have earned your golden ticket, pass go, collect $200, and all that mixed metaphor stuff. You have gotten the coveted season pass on my Tivo.

And The New Normal? Well, I was intrigued by the first two episodes; then in the third episode, I was reminded that the showrunner was Ryan Murphy and that he has all the subtlety of herd of elephants, or a shotgun blast to the face, or a proselytizing writer who is high on his own rhetoric. There are better ways to talk about gay marriage than blasting me with thinly veiled speeches that seem better suited for a campaign trail. The sitcom, in its purest form, is supposed to be art, not a soapbox. (For a good way to see gay couples portrayed, re: Modern Family). The fourth episode, the one that aired last night, was even worse. So, in the loud, clomping footsteps of Glee and Nip/Tuck before it, The New Normal goes down as a Ryan Murphy show I will not be tuning in each week to watch. Sad. I had relatively, um, not high, but decent hopes.

So, that’s that. Tune in this weekend for more on the new season. I’ll be talking about The Mindy ProjectBen and KateVegas, Partners, Animal Practice, The Neighbors, Last Resort, Elementary, and Made in Jersey. Whew, I’m tired just writing that. Let’s hope it’s not as tiring to watch them all.

Happy viewing!


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