Slim, but Solid Pickings: It’s the TV Music for May 20-26

With most everything ending last week, there weren’t so many tunes on the tube this time around. But that didn’t stop some shows from using excellent music. Check them out below.

Girls – On theme with Hannah going back into her past, this episode used a lot of older music. However, it was the modern choices that stood out to me. The Family of the Year track is quite good, and I have to say that this band is becoming one of my favorites at the moment. Every track I hear from them is great. And while I love discovering new music, I also appreciate the old standbys. Take Fleet Foxes. Always a good choice for any situation, and I really liked this song here.

Family of the Year “Hero”

Fleet Foxes “Montezuma”

Revenge – In my opinion, this show has been a little off its game, music-wise and otherwise. However, boy did they make a comeback this week. The usage of Florence + The Machine, while not novel (I mean, she’s been used on almost every show this year), fit the scenes perfectly. Gothic, dramatic, a little over the top. It captured the feel of the show, and it was my favorite TV song choice of the week.

Florence + The Machine “Seven Devils”

Happy Summer!


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