Disarming people on Justified and strangling women on Mad Men: It’s the April 8-14 TV Week in Review

And that’s all I have to say about that

This blog is turning out to be a whole lot of work, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. So, I’ve come to a decision that I’m only going to talk about shows that I am passionate about week to week, and the rest will fall under the category of “shows I don’t have much to say about.” They’ll get grades and maybe a few remarks or quotes, but that’s it. My logic is if I don’t have much to say, it just wasn’t a stellar episode ,and you won’t have strong opinions either. But if I don’t cover something you want to talk about, let me know in the comments.

Mad Men: I was going to do a big review of this, but as I was writing it, the words weren’t coming out right. I want to have quality reviews, and the one I was doing was not up to snuff. That said, everything I wanted to say was said for me here. I do want to mention the accordion scene, though, because I thought that was a really brilliant callback to “My Old Kentucky Home” where Joan is forced to play the accordion after  Greg basically raped her. Also, the violence against women theme seemed disturbingly topical to what is happening now in America. Whether intentional or not, I don’t know, but Mad Men is always full of layers like this, and that’s one of the reasons I love this show.A-/B+

Game of Thrones: Interesting watching this after Mad Men, comparing the way that each series treats women. Plus, how much incest goes on in the books? Because the show was way too much of it. B-

The Killing: Mitch coming into play was nice, but I’m wary about the mafia influence. It seems like more complication for complications sake. It takes it into “soap” territory for me because one family really wouldn’t have such bizarrely complicated lives. B-

Bones: Meh. B-

Smash: For an episode that was touted as the appearance of a movie star, it took a damn long time for that movie star to show up. Also, I was about to complain that Derek does a lot of traveling for things that could be done with a phone call, like go to Karen’s to tell her about Rebecca, and then Ivy says it for me. At least that they’re aware of some of their more unbelievable elements. B/B+

Cougar Town: Poor Bobby Cobb, can’t catch a break. I really thought Sarah Chalke would stick around longer. B

New Girl: I kinda want to play True American.  B+

Suburgatory: AV Club raved about this ep, but I’m still not sold. Still, better than most on this show. B+

Modern Family: This week was an improvement. Every week, I ask myself why I’m watching this show, and yet each week I come back.  Probably for Phil. He had my favorite story again. Still don’t think the writers can do a good Jay and Gloria story, though. That plot sucked. B+/A-

Community – Sewage Joe from Parks and Rec! Three quick things: One, I thought it was interesting that this week had Pierce and Chang break-up as friends only one week after the epic fight between Troy and Abed. The contrast between the two was pretty stark. Two, Jeff and Britta are basically the same person deep down, right? Both fall in love with Blade because he has no shame, the opposite of these two characters. That was a nice touch from the writers. Three, and most importantly, Troy is in love with Britta. Or at least that’s what I got, though we’ll have to wait for the actual reveal. That’s an interesting turn, though if you look at it, it’s been building since “Interpretive Dance” Oh, and one last great quote: “She was born in the 80s. She still uses her phone as a phone.” A-

The Office: (A=”Casino Night”/”The Dundees”/”Goodbye Michael”/”The Job”)

30 Rock – This was saved by the last act, just because I liked the edit of Liz staring at Jack and his mother, saying “I did this.” Also, I liked the poignant note with Jenna. B

Awake – Look, Wilmer Valderrama can speak Spanish. Did you know that? B-

Grey’s Anatomy: Every year, Grey’s seems to do a ep where one couple is in a bottle while the rest of the world goes on. But I liked this bottle. Plus, I always like to see the guy who played Odo from Deep Space NineB

Scandal: Still watchable, but I’m a little wary of Ezra Fitz coming into the mix. He caused so many problems on Pretty Little Liars. B-

Fringe – Anybody else notice that Jone’s eyes are one red, one blue. Is that because he comes from both worlds, like when the credits were red and blue to differentiate. Just a thought. B+

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