Holy Snow Patrol, Batman! It’s the music of the week.

It’s been a decent week for music, but it’s honestly from odd places. Usually I wait for certain shows for my songs, but without the likes of Cougar Town and How I Met Your Mother, I have to dig a little more. How do you like Make It or Break It as a choice? Pretty random, right? The round-up for this week is still pretty good, though. And more eclectic than usual, I think, so that’s fun. Enjoy!

Freedom Fry – “Rolling Down” – Bones doesn’t use music very often, and when it does, it’s not usually that great. The people on the show seem to love overly wrought/emotional music that doesn’t stray too far from the theme music of the show. Consider me surprised then when they had a good song on their first episode back from a long break. I guess everyone has to get lucky sometimes. I thought this song was perfect to transition from the birth scene to the final denouement scene. To be honest, it was probably the best part of the episode.

Shelley O’Brien – “Turn to Spring” – There’s no way I’m going to recommend Make It or Break It to anyone. The show is kind of horrifyingly bad, but being a teen show, it does have some pretty good music. This week, this boppy song was a great choice for the scene where Payson hits it off with the new love interest, BMX boy. (I’m sure he has a name, but I don’t really care enough to learn it.) The song just puts me in a good mood, and it’s nicely appropriate for right now, so enjoy.

Snow Patrol – “The Weight of Love” – Grey’s Anatomy loves Snow Patrol. They use the band more than any other, I think, probably because the success of “Chasing Cars” in season 2. Part of me feels like I should be embarrassed to like Snow Patrol, because it’s the vanilla ice cream of TV music, but oh well. I like vanilla ice cream sometimes.  I guess I’ll give up some of my indie cred; the songs are just so damn listenable. This song is no exception. It played at the end (the obligatory wrap-up montage song) and its crescendo nicely highlighted Christina throwing cereal on Owen.

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